понедельник, 28 августа 2017 г.

Двадцать шестая встреча Одесской Java группы

31 августа (в этот четверг :) ) 2017 года в 18:30 состоится двадцать шестая встреча Одесской Java группы.

Адрес мероприятия: Одесса, улица Еврейская 3, Компьютерная Академия "Шаг",  

3-й этаж, аудитория 300

Организаторы: Одесская Java Group (http://odjug.blogspot.com), Компьютерная Академия "ШАГ" (http://itstep.org)

Спонсоры мероприятия, которые подготовили для участников приятные сюрпризы:

Luxoft (http://luxoft.com),
Sigma Software(http://sigma.software),
DataArt (http://www.dataart.com.ua)

Огромная благодарность нашим спонсорам! Без их финансовой помощи эта встреча не состоялась бы!

Программа мероприятия:

Spring Boot and Kotlin, a Match Made in Heaven

О докладе:

Despite being very new, spring boot has seen a spectacular start as an amazing kickstarter for spring-based application. You can now start your project in a matter of minutes, not days!

On the other hand, you’re still using Java, with all its ceremony regarding code… Wouldn’t it be great if we could pair Spring Boot with a powerful yet simple language?

In this talk, I’ll live code a Spring Boot application using Kotlin, the friendly language provided by JetBrains. Come discover how you can now cut through all the red tape and finally focus only the important stuff.

Nicolas Fränkel is a Software Architect with 15 years experience consulting for many different customers, in a wide range of contexts (such as telecoms, banking, insurances, large retail and public sector). 

Usually working on Java/Java EE and Spring technologies, but with narrower interests like Software Quality, Build Processes and Rich Internet Applications. Currently working for an eCommerce solution vendor leader. Also double as a teacher in universities and higher education schools, a trainer and triples as a book author.

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